Hackees Lacrosse Stick


Hackees Lacrosse Stick

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LAX Pro Insights

Hackees Lacrosse Stick

Product Details

The Hackees Lacrosse Stick is the perfect stick for younger laxers looking to improve their game and just have fun! Hackees have padding around a universal lacrosse head. With the padding around the stick, this allows for players to throw light checks without having to wear all the equipment. Grab your friends and bring your Hackees Lacrosse Stick down to the beach, backyard or field. These sticks allow you to play anywhere, work on your game, and not worry about getting whacked by a regular stick. Our Pros love using the Hackees lacrosse sticks to play mini games and keep up some friendly competition going!

  • Premium Padded Junior Sticks // Universal lacrosse head underneath a padded protective exterior
  • Team-Play Ready​ // Each stick comes with a ball, so you're ready to play. Have fun, improve dodging, footwork, physical play, ball control, passing, shooting and body positioning in a just-for-fun environment
  • Not Another "Mini" Stick // Hackees are somewhere in between a mini stick and a competion stick, giving kids a better "game feel" when playing around in the yard.