4 Results
<p>Warrior Burn Pro Lacrosse Gloves<p> <div class="item image-zoom"><a href="https://www.lax.com/complete-lacrosse-guide-sizing.html#filter=.glove"> <img alt="Need Help? Complete Lacrosse Guide And Sizing Chart" src="https://www.lax.com/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-lax-products/default/dwa38cbf20/cc-images/Untitled-4_0000_Complete-Lacrosse-Guide-And-Sizing-Charts.png" title="Need Help? Complete Lacrosse Guide And Sizing Chart" width="100%" /></a></div>
The Warrior Evo men's lacrosse gloves are some of the most comfortable thing you can put on your hands and still take the field.  No gimmicks, no frills, just awesome technology. 
The Warrior Evo lacrosse glove packs in as much of the same technology as the Evo Pro at a fraction of the price. The BONE system across the backhand provides serious protection on the top of the wrist and top of hand up through the first knuckle. The Warrior Evo 19 gloves have a bit "tighter" feel than some of the other gloves on the market - they are not small - but just made for guys who like to strap in and really feel the shaft through the palm.The Pro Palm is the same as used in the $180 Evo Pro gloves.
$129.99 $119.99
The Warrior FatBoy goalie lacrosse glove is the FATTEST glove in box lacrosse. This glove has all the protection that box goalies need with a lightweight feel. The reinforced thumb protection is what box goalies need to feel confident in the cage. The flexible cuff design lets your wrist roll so you can make a that game save or get the ball out of net as fast as possible. Note; These gloves are for box lacrosse and not field lacrosse.